Breeding Philosophy
The Best Genetics From Across Australia
Over the years, we have developed a genetic depth in our herd. We have spent hours, days, weeks on the road carefully researching and sourcing the very best genetics. Our herd boasts bloodlines from:
Riverslea, Dangarfield, Diamond H, Forest Park, Forrest Hill, Georgina Downs, Gyranda, Hardigreen Park, Kendara, KM, Kuloomba, Rockingham, Ryalsea, Seagrove, Strathmore, Sujo, Swan Hill, Tara, The Reefs, Waco, Warenda, Wendalla, Yarrawonga, Yulgilbar,
At Riverslea we back our bulls - they are reared under realistic commercial conditions - ready to work. We boast fresh outcross genetics for the purebred herds and bulls for cross breeding - producing soft calves with excellent weight for age. The cross bred progeny attract a premium as weaners, steers or bullocks. The female portion can be retained in your breeding herd, or sold at a premium.
Our female Santa Gertrudis herd is fertile, feminine, calves easily and has excellent milk with a high butterfat percentage. They are excellent mothers, boasting longevity with an ability to forage and walk for water.
We back the Santa Gertrudis breed in our commercial operations due to their feed efficiency, bloat resistance, high yield and carcass quality as well as few production losses. The Santa Gertrudis animal has increased muscling and superior weight gains. Santa Gertrudis are ideal for Australian conditions with heat tolerance and resistance to pink eye and eye cancers
Feed efficiency underpins much of the success of any commercial operation. Thus we select for cattle with excellent feed efficiency and weight gains. At the end of the day – good feed efficiency is more dollars in your pocket.
Stud History
Alan’s family had been running commercial beef cattle at Adelaide Lead since 1985. The Santa Gertrudis cattle continued to out perform the other breeds year in and year out. With careful selection the female herd was developed using stud Santa Gertrudis bulls. Alan then picked the best of these females, and they became the basis of a grading up herd. Foundation stud Santa Gertrudis females have been sourced from around Australia with a focus on selection for good temperament, quality and feed efficiency. The first drop of Riverslea Santa Gertrudis stud cattle were on the ground in 2007.
Our Logo – Our Brand
It is more than meets the eye
All the Riverslea Santa Gertrudis stud cattle carry the Riverslea Group brand. It represents to us the cycles of nature; the cycles of farming, cropping and livestock. The directional arrow indicates the direction of our business and our commitment to continuous improvement. The brand is purposefully in an anti-clockwise direction because we take our own path and create our own destiny. The blue represents water - the life blood of farming.